Sunday, 10 May 2009

Halesland, Somerset - 10.5.09

Halesland airfield is high up on top of the Mendip Hills in Somerset. It's not a particularly busy airfield but it is a lovely setting.

Slingsby T 50 Skylark 4 BGA 1019 coded "BKA" - this glider was built in 1962 and is exempt from taking up one of the new CAA "G-" registrations. Behind is based tug Scheibe SF25C Falke G-KWAK.

G-CFTN is a Schleicher K8B built in 1961 and operated in Germany as D-8539 before being imported into the UK in 1989 becoming BGA 3515 - this is based at Halesland with the Mendip Gliding Club.

External Link to The Mendip Gliding club website

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Popham - Sat 26th April 2009

Popham airfield is always worth visiting. The aircraft are easy to view and the cafe provides a good place for refeshments.

Aircraft visiting Popham usually park next to the cafe area and a request at Ops desk gave me permission to go airside for these images

M-FOUR (2) Beech G36 Bonanza this new Bonanza c/n E-3849 was built in 2008 and registered in The Isle of Man in March 2009 and replaces the original M-FOUR which was an earlier A36 version.

Visiting were a pair of Flight Design CTSW both in a white/blue/yellow colour scheme - The aircraft type was designed and built in Germany and assembled here in the UK by P & M Aviation. The CTSW fits within the MTOW 450kg BCAR Section S Microlight certification. I like this design. G-SLNT was registered on 28.2.07 with c/n 8254 and is based in Cambridgeshire.

G-OMRP is a little more recent than G-SLNT and was registered on 3.10.08 with c/n 8397 and is based in Northamptonshire.

Also on the visitors ramp was Vans RV-7 G-RVUK construction number PFA 323-14441 - this popular two seater kit aircraft was registered on 8.6.06 and first flew in 2007 and is based in Cambridgeshire. There are currently 57 examples of the RV-7 registered in the UK.

The sunny weather found resident Rearwin 8125 Cloudster G-EVLE c/n 803 parked outside its hanger. This classic pre WW2 American design was built in 1939 as NC25403 and is unique in the UK today. It was first registered in the UK as G-BVLK in 1994 before taking up the markings G-EVLE in 2003.