Saturday, 15 September 2007

Halesland - Sat 15.9.07

Halesland is my local airfield being about 8 miles or so from my home. It is situated high up on the Mendip Hills between Priddy and Cheddar near the village of Draycott.

Busy scene with ASK 13 "EPP" BGA 2845

Another ASK 13 is the all orange "FVC" BGA 3550

Halesland is primarily a glider airfield, home to the Mendip Gliding Club - in addition it is also home to two powered motorgliders.

Fournier RF4D is a single seat motor glider based at Halesland

Scheibe SF-25C Falke G-KWAK has been based since 2003 and can be used to tow gliders

Elegant Slingsby Skylark "BKA" BGA 1019 photographed from the car park area

There is a visitors car park which offers a complete view of all activity - no facilities for visitors but the clean hilltop fresh air is free and blows your cobwebs away !

If you are in the area there are two good pubs in nearby Priddy too for a refreshment break.

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