Saturday, 20 September 2008

Halesland airfield - Sat 20.9.08

This grass airstrip is my local airfield - it is high up on the Mendip Hills about 6 miles West of Wells, just north of the village of Draycott.

Since my last visit many of the resident gliders have now applied CAA "G-........" registrations - outside on this beautiful afternoon were,

Slingsby T 50 Skylark BGA 1019 coded "BKA" - this old glider is exempt from having a "G-....." registration.

G-CFVC is a Schleicher AS K13 formerly BGA 3550 owned by resident Mendip Gliding Club

G-CJAR coded "P3" is a Schempp Hirth Discs BT - this lovely glider has a pop up sustainer engine to maintain flight if needed - seen here being washed prior to dismantling into a trailer. The pilot tells me he operates this glider from both here and Usk in South Wales.

The hanger had 2 gliders and one Fournier motorglider ( G-AVWY ) - this is Schleicher K8B G-DDOY formerly BGA 2307 - this is based and belongs to Mendip Gliding Club. Note that the tailcode of "DOY" was previously "DQY" when it operated as a BGA glider.

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